
IBM Logo Evolution & History

A company’s hallmark of its logo. The work and execution strategy of a company has been changed day by day. When an enormous change is needed, their strategy to introduce themselves to the mass people by changing their branding motif, they have changed their hallmark more or less.

International Business Machines Corporation

In 1911. The International Time Recording Company (ITR) and the Computing Scale Company (CSC) merged and they became appears as Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR). After few years later, when their business was booming, which made the company’s logo too restricted, and they formally changed their name to International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) in 1924 (14 Feb) and adapting the globe version of the IBM logo. Font: Rocco Letters
IBM Logo Evolution

When the globe shape IBM logo failed to retain their caring image, the company changed its IBM logo to the newly adapted font Beton Bold and previous glove was altered to the simple lettering of IBM in 1947. In May 1956, Tom Watson Jr. took over the company as CEO after his father passed away and in steps to exemplify the new management and technological era, he hired the famous graphics designer Paul Rand, who replaced outline shaped logo by a more solid, grounded IBM logo, font City Medium.
Paul Rand
In 1972, Paul Rand introduced a new version of IBM logo, solid letters were replaced by horizontal strips, which is representing Speed & Dynamism and  rendering an even corporate image and goodwill.
IBM Logo Evolution
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IBM Logo Evolution
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