
Contemporary Business by David L. Kurtz (14th Edition)

Download Contemporary Business by David L. Kurtz (pdf format)
PART 1: Business in a Global Environment
Chapter 1 The Changing Face of Business
Chapter 2 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Chapter 3 Economic Challenges Facing Contemporary Business
Chapter 4 Competing in World Markets

PART 2: Starting and Growing Your Business
Chapter 5 Forms of Business Ownership and Organization
Chapter 6 Starting Your Own Business: The Entrepreneurship Alternative

PART 3: Management: Empowering People to Achieve Business
Chapter 7 Management, Leadership, and the Internal Organization
Chapter 8 Human Resource Management: From Recruitment to Labor Relations
Chapter 9 Top Performance through Empowerment, Teamwork, and Communication
Chapter 10 Production and Operations Management

PART 4: Marketing Management
Chapter 11 Customer-Driven Marketing
Chapter 12 Product and Distribution Strategies
Chapter 13 Promotion and Pricing Strategies

PART 5: Managing Technology and Information
Chapter 14 Using Technology to Manage Information

Part 6: Managing Financial Resources
Chapter 15 Understanding Accounting and Financial Statements
Chapter 16 The Financial System
Chapter 17 Financial Management

Appendix A Business Law
Appendix B Insurance and Risk Management
Appendix C Personal Financial Planning
Appendix D Developing a Business Plan
Appendix E Careers in Contemporary Business
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1 comment:

  1. can y give means of business and why business is importance?
