
Digital Photography: A to Z (Part 13)


Flim Negative
Flim coated with a light sensitive emulsion that after exposure and processing produces the images taken with the camera in complimentary values.

The connection of several individual computers to aid data exchange and communication.

NiCad Battery:
Nickel-Cadmium Battery- is a type of rechargeable battery using Nickel Oxide Hydroxide and metallic Cadmium as electrodes.
The abbreviation NiCad is a registered trademark of SAFT Corporation.

Ni-MH Battery:
Nickel-Metal Hydride battery. Rechargeable batteries that have an energy density 100% higher than NiCd batteries and can supply high energy levels when required, e.g. when using the flash in quick succession. They can be recharged more than 300 times and are environmentally-friendly (free of cadmium and mercury). Among other devices, Hi-MH are used to power digital cameras.

Audio Noise
A term used in the field of audio engineering t describe interference that can lead to impure sounds and distortion. Noise may occur, for example, as a result for faculty microphones or recording equipment.

National Television Standard Committee. American television standard for the coding/encoding of colors. Developed in 1953 this US TV norm is defined by an image size of 640x480 pixels and a frequency of 60Hz (interlaced i.e. 2x30 half images per second).

Grab also »
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, LM, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W-Z

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