
Digital Photography: A to Z (Part 03)


Calendar Card
Calendar card:
Smart Media-function card.

The reciprocal balancing or tuning of input and output devices, in order to receive a matching values. In this way, the colors on a monitor can be matched with the printer's colors.
The name given to the OLYMPUS Digital Imaging products.

Unit of illumination (cd). 1cd = 1/638 Watt per steradian

Charged-Coupled Device.
A light sensitive semiconductor that converts received light into voltage according to the level of brightness. It is used as a chip or line sensor in digital cameras and scanners. 

Compact Disc Read Only Memory. A read only can hold up to approximately 700MB of programs, pictures, text, or other data.

Central weighted average metering
Central Weighted Average Metering:
This method of exposure metering is often used for subjects with an even contrast distribution. Digital ESP: Selective multi zone metering, reflected light metering, light metering, spot metering.

Battery Charger. A battery charger is a device used to put energy into secondary cell or rechargeable battery by focusing an electric current through it.

General description for integrated circuits whose components (e.g. transistors, diodes, resistors) are mounted on a small plate of the semiconducting material silicon.

CIE:The International Commission on Illumination (usually abbreviated CIE for its French name, Commission internationa de l'éclairage) is the international authority on light, illumination, color, and color spaces.

A complex instruction set computer is a computer where single instructions can execute several low-level operations (such as a load from memory, an arithmetic operation, and a memory store) and/or are capable of multi-step operations or addressing modes without the need of additional software.

The CMYK color model is a subtractive color model, used in color printing and is also used to describe the printing process itself. CMYK refers to the 4 inks used in some color printing: cyan, magenta, yellow and key (black).

Colour depth
Color Depth:

This refers to the maximum number of colors that can be recorded by digital cameras and scanners or can be displayed by graphics cards. A true color representation can be achieved at a color depth of 8 bits per primary color, that is a 24 bit color depth. In this case, 256 bits are available for one pixel. With an RGB signal, this value is then multiplied by a factor of three so that a total of 256 x 256 x 256 = 16,777,216 colors can be displayed. High-end scanners, graphic cards etc. provide a minimum color depth of 24 bit.

Colour Management
Color management:

The calibration of all peripheral devices that feature in the production of color images  (monitors, scanners, color printers etc.). For example, by using a color management system, the data from a scanner is converted into values for a standard color range. The data is then arranged so that the printer can produce good color prints.

The incorrect reproduction of color on an image (e.g. dots on an area which is supposed to be pure white).

Colour Temperature
Color temperature:

Describes the spectral energy distribution and thereby the color quality of a light source. The temperature of a color is given in Kelvin (K). It is important to choose the correct temperature so that a subject can be photographed in its true colors. The spectrum that can be seen by the human eye lies between approx. 2,790 K and 11,000 K. The international norm for average sunlight is 5,500 K.

Compact Digital Camera
Compact Digital Camera:
Smaller dimensions and reduced weight make these easy to handle models ideal for travel and everyday use.

Compact Flash Card
Compact Flash Drive:
Rewritable removable memory or function card developed by SanDisk in 1994. In contrast with SmartMedia technology, it has a built-in controller. The newer CF type II (CF/2) cards are 5 mm thick, the CF type I are only 3.3 mm thick. ( PCMCIA-Cards/PC Cards)

The ability of data, programs (software), and equipment (hardware) to run and/or work together. This allows for the individual components to be put together to form a system.

COM port
COM port:
Describes the serial interface of a computer. Often used to connect devices such as digital cameras to a computer (say USB).

Data may be compressed to reduce storage (memory) space or transmission times (i.e reducing the amount of data). Well-known compression standards include JPEG and MPEG.

Commercial data service that offers countless information and discussion panels about an unlimited variety of subjects. A computer, a modem, and a telephone line are required.

Lens converter
Lens Converter:
Lens extension that increases or shortens the focal distance. (Macro-converter, tele-converter, wide-angleconverter).

Central Processing Unit. The main processor of a PC (personal computer)

CRT:Cathode Ray Tube. Electron guns inside the tube send beams onto the front surface of the tube, causing it to glow and creating a display (LCD)

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A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, MN, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W-Z

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